Positive Feedback is calculated by dividing the past 6 months of 4 and 5 star ratings by the total number of positive and negative ratings from the same time period.
Number of Ratings is the total number of feedback ratings received.
Note: If multiple feedback ratings are left by the same buyer within 10 days, they are counted as one feedback rating.
If multiple feedback ratings are left by the same buyer within 10 days, they are counted as one feedback rating.
Feedback Score is the sum of all Star Ratings after they have been converted into points.
Conversion: 5 Star or 4 Star Ratings = +1 Point
3 Star Ratings = 0 Points
2 Star or 1 Star Ratings = -1 Point
Detailed Seller Ratings are a summary of all ratings from buyers about sellers over the past 6 months regarding Item as described, Communication, Shipping speed.